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ENROC Quick Start Guide


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Quick Start Steps:


  1. Enter first and last names in the Name field, example John Smith (one name is also OK)
  2. Click the + button, pause for a moment while information is sent over the internet
  3. Enter a Company name (optional)
  4. Click the + button, pause for a moment while record is saved
  5. Add more information, in the respective fields or click the New/Done button to finish
  6. To retrieve a customer’s record, enter their name in the Name field and, wait just a moment, when the contact appears; click their name.  Please note if you enter the name over the top of an existing name you will effectively change the name of that record.  Good practice is to click the New/Done button first and wait just a moment for the internet to respond and prepare the web page, then enter a name


Create a new customer record or retrieve an existing one, and start adding any additional information like contact numbers, addresses, email and Notes about this person.  You can also add a short note in the Record Event / Conversation field.  These short notes will be saved in chronological order, newest to oldest, and are all viewable on the front page, to all Users.


When you are done or wish to create a new record, click New/Done button


To retrieve a customer’s record, enter their name in the Name field and wait just a moment, when the contact appears; click their name


Contacts can also be imported from any .csv file. However, it’s a good idea to verify the contacts first so you don’t import junk data.  See click More button then Utilities


Whoever creates the ENROC account is the Client Master and has full authorisation to create new Users, assign Users to Groups, import records, upgrade subscription and create Profile lists.  The Client master can also give this responsibility to another User by making them a Superuser.  Click More button and Users| Groups | Utilities| Profile & Settings


Another way to retrieve a Contact or to see all Contacts is to click the Contacts button then select a Letter or use the Filters.  You can also create reports and Export to Excel


Click the Events button to see a chronological list of all event/record of conversations.  You can Search on any words in the event details to locate a particular record.


Use the Reports button to create reports and export to MS Excel for sorting, filtering, uploading to bulk emailers, or printing


Click Forms to create and save reports


Use Data #1 to Data #6 as free fields to record any information.  This information can be exported to MS Excel for analysis, printing etc


Use Profile #1 to Profile #2 to select information from pull down lists.  These lists can be created by clicking More and Settings and editing each respective Profile.  Please note that all contact records must be closed for the Settings button to appear (click New/Done first)


Open a Contact’s record. Click the magnifying glass to the left of the Record Event / Conversation field to see a chronological list of events for that Contact.  You can print this list or email by clicking the Email button and Sending Page by Email (depending on your browser)


To Delete a contact record; open the contact by entering their name and click delete


To use Privacy Mode click Switch to Privacy Mode.  All of your contacts, records of conversation and all data will be invisible to everyone except you.


More About Data & Profile Fields


The Profile tab has drop down lists that you can select keywords from.  This is so the [exactly] same profile words are used for all Contacts.  The profile keywords are used to sort and filter the entire database.  For example you may use Profile #1 as “Card Type” with the following keywords: Customer, Supplier, Employee, Personal, Contact.  Or in the case of a school, you may use Teacher, Student, Past Teacher, Past Student, Alumni Friend, Board Member, Supplier.  You may use Profile #2 as industry groups or professional groups.  Profile #3 as Status ie active or inactive member.  You can develop eight different profile groups.  This takes a bit of planning but is worthwhile in any database management system you may use.


At this time the profile labels cannot be edited but what I do, is make the first keyword in each Profile list, the profile label, in uppercase with *in front so it stays on top of the list example: *CARD TYPE for Profile #1      


If you click on the  More button then click Settings  you can add Profile keywords.  Click New/Done first to exit any open Contacts


The six Data fields are free form.  You can put what you wish into any fields.  The profile and data fields can be exported to Excel for sorting and filtering.  For example you can create a report showing name, email and card type; export to Excel and sort on any filed includeing profiles.  You can also export this list to a bulk email software, and easily send emails out.


Another trick I do is to put keywords in the Company field on the front page.  For example you may have a Contact who is a "Past Student" that works for Woolworths so I would put the following in the Company field ‘Woolworths (Past Student)’  You can then type Past Student in the Company field and all past students will appear on the drop down menu, so you can easily select one.  Else just search by name.


The notes and record of conversation is the day to day useful part of ENROC so you may not even use profiles, data fields and reporting to often?  BUt they make ENROC a powerful database.



ENROC is designed to be a quick and easy to use tool.


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